Recognition as the primary event underwriter
Prominent logo placement on all event marketing materials, including
website, social media, and print advertisements
Mention as the event underwriter in press releases and media coverage
peaking opportunity during the event
Branding and signage are displayed prominently throughout the event venue
10 VIP Tickets to the event with access to the VIP Lounge
Opportunity to showcase a branded booth or display area at the event
Company Spotlight in the NASCAR Hall of Fame Great Hall
Post-event exposure and recognition
Recognition as the Hall of Honor Sponsor of the Wendell Scott Legacy Gala
Prominent logo placement on all event marketing materials, including
website, social media, and print advertisements
Mention as the presenting sponsor in press releases and media coverage
Branding and signage displayed prominently throughout the Hall of Honor
Recognition as the presenting sponsor of the Hall of Honor
8 VIP tickets to the event with access to the VIP Lounge
Opportunity to showcase a display area in the Hall of Honor
Post-event exposure and recognition

Recognition as the Title Sponsor of the STEAM Student Scholarship
Prominent logo placement on all scholarship marketing materials, including
website, social media, and print advertisements
Mention as the Title Sponsor in press releases and media coverage
Speaking opportunity during the scholarship award presentation
Branding and signage displayed prominently at the scholarship award
6 VIP tickets to the event with access to the VIP Lounge
Opportunity to showcase branded display area at the event
Post-event exposure and recognition
Recognition as the Ice Sculpture Sponsor of the Wendell Scott Legacy
Co-branded Custom-designed ice sculpture featuring your company logo
or branding
Recognition during the ice sculpture unveiling
Prominent logo placement on all event marketing materials, including
website, social media, and print advertisements
4 VIP tickets to the event with access to the VIP Lounge
Speaking opportunity during the event
Opportunity to collaborate with the ice sculptor on the design concept
Acknowledgment in the event program as the Ice Sculpture Sponsor
Post-event exposure and recognition

Exclusive recognition as the Title Sponsor of the VIP Lounge
Prominent logo placement on all VIP marketing materials, including
website, social media, and print advertisements
Mention as the Title Sponsor in press releases and media coverage
related to the VIP Lounge
Branding and signage displayed prominently in the VIP Lounge
Logo placement on VIP Lounge tickets or access passes
4 VIP tickets to the event with access to the VIP Lounge
Post-event exposure and recognition
Logo placement on registration materials, including online registration, printed
registration forms, and confirmation emails
Branding and signage displayed in the registration area
Logo placement on event badges or registration cards
Opportunity to provide branded registration giveaways or promotional items
4 Complimentary event registrations
Post-event exposure and recognition

Logo placement on valet parking signage, including parking tickets
Branding and signage displayed at the valet parking area
Recognition as a Valet Parking Sponsor
Logo placement on event signage and banners
2 complimentary event tickets
Post-event exposure and recognition
Recognition as a Community Sponsor of the Wendell Scott Legacy Gala
Logo placement on event marketing materials, including website and social media
Recognition on the event website with a link to your organization's website
2 Complimentary event tickets
Post-event exposure and recognition